sunday school

On Sunday mornings we have classes for every age. Whether kids or adults, all of us need time each week with a smaller group of people who can get to know us personally, share life with us, and encourage us to pursue Jesus Christ. 

Join us for Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. You may want to a few minutes early to enjoy a cup of coffee and find your classroom. 

small groups

We have small groups that meet at various times in various homes in our community. During this time we focus on developing a deeper relationships with God and friends through Bible study and fellowship. 

There's a place for you! If you would like to connect with a small group near you please email the church office for more details at

*During holidays or summers we may not meet on Sun. nights. Before attending, review the church calendar to confirm activities.

mid-week worship

Wednesday's at 6:30 PM. 

Mid-week worship provides an additional worshipping opportunity for us to be refreshed and renewed by the hearing of God's word and prayer time. 

*During holidays or summers we may not meet on Wed. nights. Before attending, review the church calendar to confirm activities.

women's ministry

The Women's Ministry vision is to encourage the women of Poplar Springs to build an authentic and close relationship with Jesus Christ and to know His Word so that every person may be presented as complete in Him. We desire to be vessels through which God can touch other women. 

  • Events for Women
  • Monthly Ladies Activities - please see the Poplar Springs calendar for upcoming events.                               
  • Ladies Retreats