Our congregation spans a range of ages, backgrounds, and musical tastes. Some are in jeans; others in suits. All are committed to joyfully worshipping Jesus together. We would love for you to join us.
- Sunday School -- 9:30 AM
- Sunday Worship -- 10:45 AM
- Faith Family Fellowships are small groups that meet on Sunday evenings at various times in various homes. If you are a guest and would like to connect with a Faith Family Fellowship near you please call the church office for more details 706-965-4461.
- Family-Equipping Children -- 6:00PM
- Prayer & Bible Study -- 6:30 PM
- Youth/College-age Bible Study -- 6:30 PM
*During holidays or summers we may not meet on Sunday nights or Wednesdays.
Before attending, review the church calendar to confirm activities.